Back to my old ways

  1. finding new or fresh talent from local agencies

  2. producing, styling and shooting my own passion projects

Clothes are powerful. We use them to communicate whether we actively try or not. I think that’s maybe one of the reasons I wanted to be a fashion photographer. To be powerful and communicate power in my own way.

None of these women are photo shopped. I added tonal adjustments but I even left the floor as is. Truth out.


Meet Davina. She was so so so so SOOOOO good at her job. She came with her own set of emotions to express but when I said “I want to take this outfit and show it in a way that no one would expect. Lets give them the unexpected.” SHE KILLED IT. The Staud pants are probably meant for some night night out or an evening dressed up. But Staud makes solid clothes and frankly one could DANCE in these all night long. Davina made these into a physical feat. She showed us just how powerful the PERSON is in the clothes when they choose how to showcase them. YES we can take a brands lead or inspiration. But someone of us are powerful enough to make our own way. Bravo Davina.

I added the Staud pants onto another incredible personality. Carla walked into the DTLA studio and after I nervously showed her the outfits I suggested she declared “I’m french, this is perfect”. Instant besties.

Carla repped by Jasmine at LA Models wearing Norma Kamali Top bought from Revolve, Her own necklace, Staud Pants bought at Ardsley Road



