Originals for PORTER Vintage

This year has been busy with projects that I’ve said yes to. Meaning I’m only working with clients I feel passionate about and connect with their brand. Similar to how we shop I choose brands who’s values align.

Photographing subjects who live wildly different lives than the “average” is my calling I swear. Thankfully my retainer client PORTER Vintage in San Francisco also champions such individuals and we’ve begun our campaign to seek out and show how incredibly okay it is to live a different path. This is first subject Mario.

My objective for Mario was to photograph the them street style in the Mission District of San Francisco capturing their energy and the outfits that say much about who they are. Each subject for the ORIGINALS will be in different environments. Some inside their studios, some inside their homes or closets. The project is extensive and part of PORTER Vintage’s broader campaign to connect with people who’s style is beyond trends. People who shop vintage tend to dress a level above anyway :) and how can we ignore the sustainability card here. Shopping vintage is hunting down items/tools to express themselves independently of “current” trends. The only current trend these days is giving a sh*t about ones eco-system. That also includes making sure individuals like Mario get stage time. Imagine all the kids they are teaching. Growing up with an example like them. Knowing there are more ways to be than one or two.

More ORIGINALS campaigns to come but was excited to share this first one. Thank you Katie for, as always, trusting me with the creative process, and Mario for letting me boss you around the streets of SF.


Not your cheesy boudoir


New Client