Work in the time of War

Working in the time of War

Should we carry on? How do we carry on? Does continuing on feel as if we aren’t honoring the dead or fighting? Or is it a crime to not carry on in their name? Or should we carry on because we have to take care of our own? What does working in the time of War look like?

It feels heavy like stones.

Extra hard to concentrate.

More importantly it shifts perception. And takes into consideration if what we were doing before we’ve seen what we’ve seen even matters at all.

I had this major shift towards fashion at one point. And it sent me spiraling for years because I could no longer support fashion that doesn’t support our planet or communities.

And now I’m not yet sure how I feel about the world because children are still dying and still being held hostage for reasons belonging to old men…

So where do we go from here? What do I photograph next?

I think the only place to go is maybe no where at all. We are often quick to asses and quick to move, without pausing or thinking. I must pay my bills but I must no let all these children die for nothing.

Let it change me. Let it guide me to the next place I can ascend to.

What I’m saying: be gentle with yourself. Work through your grief and let it guide you slowly into the next phase of life. And for those of you who cannot wait, feed your families with love. And for those of you who can pause and shift, be fearless.


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