A local of the world

YOU my good looking reader read that correctly. I am a local of the world. Always have been. Never a stale ass traveling moment in my life. Someone once took me to a normal tourist trap spot and I cheated on them and then broke up with them. True story.

And YOUUU will benefit from this. Why? How you say? Because I will bring you the non Conde Nasty traveling experience. I’ll bring you the back door (some of you like it), got lost and found and bad decisions make good memories (as long as you’re not kidnapped) experience anywhere I go.

Let’s be clear what this is. I’m a photographer and freelance market/brand consultant for small brands. Which means my job is to hunt the cool kids out and bring their amazing talent to market and grow. Many business and products of what I post here are NOT, I repeat myself, NOT my clients. If they are, it’s obvious.

Otherwise site back, chilaxe in your robe or undies and take a tour with me.

I’m based in Encinitas, California. For those of you without Google, that’s in Southern California, North of San Diego and very South of Los Angeles. Before covid I used to travel ALLLL over the damn place for work but currently I’m closer to home with two under two. Once bae Max starts needing me less you’ll begin to see so much more. Butt for meow it’s a lot of Southern California with small hints of other places as a blast from times past.

Holler from my place in Encinitas


Jenny Farhat